Rabu, 07 September 2011

Letter of Father

My Son My dear, I hardly believe it when I read your letter. Is not just a few weeks ago, you promised not to give up? I know, maybe these weeks was very difficult for you, but, my child, brace your heart. Keep running in a track that has prepared the best because I know you. If you feel tired, stop, take bread and water of life My son had to offer and eat. I'm sure, once you get both, you will feel refreshed. After that, pull a deep breath and began to step forward with your feet to move forward. Focus your eyes on what lies ahead of you, on purpose that you have, which is finish the race and become a champion.
Dispose of anger and hurt that haunts your mind. Anger and hurt were not any good, just exhausting and menghambatmu achieve the goal. Sometimes I let bad things happen because I want to train you. I want the foot-leg to become stronger than ever. That way you can run faster. Stop feeling sorry for yourself, stand up straight, and Have the mental a winner. A winner, not seen from the number of times he successfully won the title. In my eyes, a winner is one who never give in to failure, which would rise every time he fell. Therefore, never give up when you trip over pebbles along the path. Nor should you feel ashamed of yourself. Raise your head and continue your journey to the finish.
When the game begins, I hope you can ignore what people who are watching in the bleachers. Do not feel proud because praise or because you're seeded. Praise and exaltation that comes out of their mouths sometimes just small talk in front of champions. Not infrequently, sweet words that will soon turn into harsh criticism and condemnation as the champions failed. Therefore, you also do not need to worry when I heard skeptical statements that say you must be lost. You're not playing up to their will. You also do not live by their talk. Experienced runners know about it. Therefore, do not bother with their sayings. Focus your mind on the original purpose, not to get praise or recognition from others, but to finish the game. I, the trainer, never doubted the ability you have. I know how much potential that is in you and I know you can reach the finish line with flying colors.Good luck, my child, I was waiting at the finish line.
Because it is My son, be strong in the grace that is in Christ Jesus.

Rabu, 03 Agustus 2011


Haii teman-temanku yg Luar biasa.. sudahkah kalian percaya sepenuhnya dengan Tuhan ato kalian masih sering meragukan Tuhan dan mengandalkan manusia dalam setiap laku kita??

dalam Roma 10:9 dikatakan " sebab jika kamu mengaku dengan mulutmu, bahwa Yesus adalah Tuhan dan percaya dalam hatimu, bahwa Allah telah membangkitkan Dia dari antara orang mati, maka kamu akan di selamatkan "
wah Luar Biasa banget ya ayat tadi... :D
dari ayat tadi kita belajar bahwa jika kita mau percaya dan mengaku bahwa Yesus adalah Tuhan, kita akan di selamatkan.amin :)

mungkin terkadang kita merasa bahwa banyak sekali beban yang kita alami, dan kita selalu berpikir bagaimana cara kita agar kita dapat keluar dari permasalahan yang kita alami, nah.. dari situ tidak jarang kita selalu mengandalkan pemikiran diri kita sendiri ato bisa di bilang mengandalkan pemikiran manusia..
padahal kalo kita mau mengandalkan Tuhan, niscaya permasalahan apapun dapat diatasi, asal kita mau sabar dan tetap taat kepada Tuhan.

kenapa kita terkadang tidak  mengandalkan Tuhan?? mungkin, alasan pertama nya adalah "LUPA" kalo gak kita "KURANG SABAR"
hehehe...... :)
padahal kesabaran itu sangat penting teman-teman, Tuhan menguji kita karena Dia ingin tau seberapa panjang kesabaran kita, tapi terkadang  jeleknya manusia itu kalo lagi seneng aja Lupa sama Tuhan, tp kalo lagi sedih ato banyak beban, malah nyalahin keadaan ato nasib mereka.. yg berarti secara tidak langsung mereka menyalahkan Tuhan,
padahal Tuhan begitu baik bagi kita.... coba kita bayangkan kalo kita hidup tanpa belas kasihan Tuhan, mau jadi seperti apa kita???
kalo kita mau mencoba merenungkan kebaikannya Tuhan bagi kita.. dari mulai kita lahir sampai sekarang, berapa ratus juta kebaikan yg udah kita terima dari Dia..
dari mulai tubuh yg sehat, nafas yg baru setiap hari,hidup normal dan masih banyak lainnya yg ga mungkin aku jelasin satu persatu.

setelah membaca blog dari aku ini, aku beharap teman-teman dapat merespon dg baik dan blog ini bisa menjadi berkat buat kalian hehe :)
terima kasih teman-teman, semoga kita bisa menjadi anak-anak Tuhan yg senantiasa taat dan mengandalkan Tuhan dalam setiap laku kita... amin.
~Godbless aLL~